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What do you think of my poem??

1- what do you think?
2- does it make you feel depressed?
3- should i giv it to my LA teacher?
4- what would u say if i told u a 13 year old wrote this?

Love's Lacking Cry

I never thought I'd have to push and shove,
just for a bit of my father's love.
He never called me 'Daddy's little girl",
Never spun me in a childish twirl.
He never read me a tale from my favorite story book,
Never helped me make a clubhouse in a small corner nook.
He never danced with me in the rain,
Never kissed away the pain.
He never took me to the rink to skate,
But now its too late.

He never crossed the street, and held my hand tight,
never chased away the monsters in the middle of the night.
He never looked at me in awe with pride,
never came to comfort me when I cried.
So how come I feel his arms around me,
after he's died?

Additional Details

2 months ago
This is NOT about me in any way shape or form. I luv my pops and he's not dead. If anyone can *** p w/ a better title, I'd really appreciate it!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Oh my, that is sad. Good rhythm, nice rhyme scheme too. I like it, and great job expressing true feelings, most adults can't do that, let alone 13 year olds. Definitely turn it in. Your teacher will love it too.