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Not So Funny???

ok, at work there is this woman that is kinda out of the loop with the rest of us..we are all 20's she is 40. She seems like a really nice person and she is included in everything we do...but lately she's been acting kind of strange. like i will be talking to my coworkers about something serious, and she'll start falling off the stage with laughter.. She seems to think everything i say is just hilarious!!! the rest of my coworkers look at her really strange and wonder whats wrong with this her way of including herself into the group,,,and if so is it at my expense??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It's a possibility that you're on the right track, but truly it is what you make of it. If you learn to laugh at yourself and not take everything so seriously, knowing that life is too short for such things, you become invulnerable to social pressure and rejection. Not only that but it's also a very attractive trait and people will be drawn to your modest confidence and uplifting mood.