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How do you overcome being crushed?(no joke anwers)?

i can ussally handle critism to my art work but i had somone saying eveything wrong and that if that was his work he be disaponted.
also he basicly suggesed i was a time waster, stuiped and lazy. his words hurt so much.
ive been doing an stop motion animation and have not left my room for a weeks, drawing all day til my hand hurt too much to continue nearly going crazy in the prosses.
Now i feel all i went though has been for nothing all that work was a wast and i have nothing worth showing.
And cant seam to get his comments out of my head.
i'm unable to work i and unable to talk to anyone in my class and because im upset(i bust into tears ). they now treat me as an out cast saying i cant handle critism.
i find that i have to lie to them, saying ' im fine' now when im heart broken
The thought of those words sends me crying every time.
im now unsure of myself and dont know how to keep going with my work .
i want to stop being upset but i cant seen 2 put all he said behind

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2 months ago
thanks Wainamoi that did make me smile.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

i can empathise being an artist myself, you take your work seriously that is plain and good luck to you that you do.....please don't cry art is supposed to lift your spirits not drive you down...ok thats the big hug over what to do...well who is this loser someone you respected..once..well a bit less now eh lets deal with that one first...tell him to shove his opinion where the sun don't shine sideways, with the wrong end of a ragmans trumpet(hopefully there is a glimmer of a smile now) even if you don't actually say it, thinking it can be even better fun, as you will have taken the piss out of him and he won't even know.l paint and l do not care what anyone thinks of what l do...if l say its is...but you have to be true to your art...too...and know if what you have done is to your will your muse approve.....artists should stick together, we put ourselves out for comment, when no others do...l tell you now your work had merit.....because it came from the heart..and that is no bad thing.....and of which you should feel proud.....l cannot say to you start arting..only your muse will do that...but believe in your talent....and let the pen or brush or whatever medium you use guide you..for it surely will.

you are very welcome..anytime you want me to slag off you critics let me prob

Wainamionen nothing daunted
could not agree that art is rubbish