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What is the most disgusting or horrible thing called "art" that you have seen?

What have you seen that is labeled art that you would not call art?

I'm not sure where the line is-- people are looking for new forms so desperately that I've heard they use feces and even dead bodies...

Is that art?

Besides the fact that it's not even truly new...

What do you see as true high art... and what object labeled art is the lowest form in your eyes?

And is there any art that scares you, frightens you.

Do share...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

There are several "Art" displays that i have heard of that are quite strange and rather disgusting.

The most famous "the fountain" My Marchel Duchamp was in fact a urinal that was put on display.

A few years ago a man crapped in a coffee can and placed on display in a contemporary museum on art.

Or the artist (name???) that stands over sheets of metal and sweats on them until they rust...