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What's inevitable (like a compass pointing north, water finding the ocean, or the sun rising & setting)? thx!

I am writing something for someone I love, and I need to refer to things that are constant and consistent. I have listed some examples in the question, but am searching for more. Any help you could provide will really help me impress her!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Holy cow! I could go off on all kinds of negative tangents here, the tamest of which would be something like: A broken clock is still right twice a day.

How about something like . . .

Changes in the seasons

The "essence" of a situation - like favorite memories from something that has been regular in your relationship - a holiday, place, or whatever that is a constant source of good tidings for you both.

The bee, beaver (watch out for sexual connotations here) or ant being busy.

Solid as the Rock of Gibraltar.

Flowers reach for the sun.

If religious, you may want to refer to faithfulness in some way, though you don't want to compare either of you with God.

The East will never touch the West.

Opposites attract (magnetism).