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Creative writing ideas?

I would love any ideas for this assignment i have:

Write a scene where you develop a character through dialogue and description with another character in the form of a confrontation. Example: a white male in his 30's living in a San Francisco Hispanic ghetto believes he was a native American in a past life. Suddenly, on the streets, he encounters Joe Stops, a 6'3", 250-pound Crow Indian from a reservation in Montana . Stops is touring the country, promoting his book, White Lies , White Faces , and helping to organize indigenous peoples in the cities.

Be sure to blend dialogue and description in your scene.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

well you could have the white guy try to get friendly with Joe Stops due to his past life beliefs. claiming an "indian" connection... he could tell those beliefs to Joe Stops and Stops, since he probably distrusts whites, might ridicule him. The white guy could try to justify his sincerity by saying he lives in a ghetto, he's not a typical white guy, etc etc...

Take it from there. kid... does it develop into a fight? Do they find common ground and accept each other? Do they depart feeling suspicious of each other?