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Today's Poem. Tell me what your thoughts are on the meaning of the poem?


I feel it's much too soon
I never wanted to visit spain
Some say that it's sunny over there
But I think it's all an illusion.

And this country is as cold as ice
I shiver to keep warm
And spain looks so good right now
But fear keeps me here

I think I'll stay here a little while longer
Air travel is much to risky when you're not in control
Maybe I'll go skiing tomorrow morning
and let spain choose me instead.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

My thought on this poem is that it is about a person on the brink of death via their own doing.

I think that you have not capitalized Spain on purpose, because my thought is that spain is a replacement for the word "death".

here's my take on the poem.

first four lines is talking about a person amidst confusion within themselves because they are thinking about suicide. They are leaning away from the actual deed. questioning that some people who claim to have near death experiences "that it's heaven". This person is thinking that maybe those "near death" experiences are just illusions.

second verse:

Is talking about how tempted they are to commit suicide.

And this country is as cold as ice. meaning this life is very miserable.

I shiver to keep warm. meaning, this person is shivering all the time because of the coldness (the misery)
And spain looks so good right now. meaning death looks better than the misery of this life.

But fear keeps me here. I think that this person wants to do this but is afraid.

last verse:

I think you are talking about the decision this person has made.. " to stay here a little while longer.
because one doesn't really know what's going to happen when one dies. (we are not in control of that)

last two lines is talking about how this person wants to turn the coldness of their live and use it as a positive. (Maybe I'll go skiing tomorrow morning. In the final line you are stating that this person has decided to let nature take it's course for life or death. (and let spain choose me instead.)

I hope I've captured what you are trying to say.

great poem Rosey. Once again