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Art GCSE coursework help - 'Theme is WRAPS'.?

I am doing my final piece in a few days. The theme is wraps. Any ideas on what i can do? I really am interested on things to do with celebrities. But i can't really draw or paint that good so it has to be good and easy. i would say i am an average 'artist'

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My son has the same topic ...

If you aren't that brilliant at painting, then try doing collage. If you want to focus on celbrities, then design a piece that looks like an open scrap-book, with pictures of celebrities in it. Use material or strips of wrapping paper around the edges to represent the book cover. Stick wrappers onto your canvas as other items in your "scrap-book", use cut-out pictures of your celebrities, and give them cut-out clothes to overlay them (make them out of wrapping paper) and glue on "curtains" or "lift the flap" sections. Glue on "pockets" which have sticking out of them items relating to the celebrity, etc, etc.

If you do a collage, you are going to have to collect an awful lot of bits beforehand, but all you have to do is deisgn how to stick it all together. The more layers, the more "wrapping" you are putting on your canvas.

Or think of a tortilla wrap. Make (or draw) one and fill it with pictures of your celebrities. There's a nice metaphorical statement about how transitory celebrity is!

Have fun and don't forget your coursebook... you're leaving it a bit late aren't you?