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What is a current art issue that is controversial?

I have to come up with an art issue that is both current (2000 to present) and controversial. The issue can be about any art area but has to have some researchable articles, journals or papers.

Please help...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The camera obscura isn't a controversy. People have used them ever since they were invented- It wasn't a secret. Vermeer is often used to illustrate it.

If you want something that is HOT and has tons of information then do ownership and responsibilty.

The US opened all these tombs in Egypt and now they are decaying in the regular air- the egyptian govt can't afford to take care of it all. Is it our responsibility to pay for their preservation because we opened them?

Hallocust victims have been trying to reclaim pieces that were stolen from them by the Nazis. Now some of these pieces are in large museums that paid a lot of money for them. How can the victims prove ownership and does a museum have a moral obligation to return a piece even if it gained it through legal means?

Greece has wanted back the sculptures removed from the parthenon for a while. Who owns them- Britian who has taken care of them for years and probably saved them from decay OR Greece- their home?

People are re-evaluating a lot of things once taken for granted. The means in which some artifacts made it into museums is questionable, if not criminal. People are trying to do what is right- they just aren't sure what that is.

Note: The "black Madonna" the above writer mentioned is not smeared or created from Elephant dung. The artist used petrified balls of dung as the stand for a number of paintings. This was a scapegoat piece for a lot people. It has been misrepresented over and over by people who just read the headlines.