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Looking for a few good poems.?

Would anyone have a good poem they could copy/paste? :)
I'd be using them with a highschooler, so preferably a more modern-ish poem. ;)
Can be about anything.

Additional Details

2 months ago
Also: I'd be using the poems with a student for analysis and interpretation, mostly. :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I bookmarked some poems from Verse Daily (

"The San Simeon Zebras"
by C. J. Sage

Like many,
they are out of place:

stolen and content.

So wild in expressing
their reserve, they are wholly

hidden; their hides are more
dizzying than their presence:

dark and lightness,

confused as to the meaning
of their being
here, as they are.

—What an invitation!—
that wire-slatted hillside. —

Largely overwhelming
as the masses

of an outcast, homeless people.

—Lost so completely
everyone is, in passing, interested.

"All That Glitters Is Gold"
by James Doyle

Wine flask, beer cans,
a clearing interrupts the woods
with a lining of leaves
and casual animal skins.

I anoint this the first still space
in a thousand years
large enough to stretch
a body out and pray over it.

If the sun finds
this place, it will close it down.
The trees will insist
on shade I no longer require.

The sun keeps trying.
So I will, too. I pour out
what's in my hand, wine, beer,
fingerprints, blood

if that's all that's left.
To dab the rocks with living color
in my little studio.
To bring the trees down to earth.

"Open Other End"
by Muriel Nelson

In the land of toothpicks
glue was precious

so were softness
and the fatness of hors d'oeuvres

and colors
and fantastic designs of longing for roundness —

songs for Ponderosas and thistles,
sketches for hedgehogs, porcupines.

In the land of picks, toothless
babes and leaf buds burned dreams

into the heartwood of stumps.
And among roots still living

underground, where hearts turn green
for new mouths,

the humblest creatures busied
themselves with saw-and-glue work.

There, even now, they open
their minute darknesses to hem

and haw old spells
toward an other end.