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How can I approach my fiancee?

about my curiousity of how it would feel to try her panties on? Im totally straight and totally into her, but for some reason, I'm dying to try on her undies. She has so many great pairs and Ive always wanted to know if they feel as good to wear as they actually look on her. I need to know how (from a womans standpoint) I can ask her about this in a way that won't have a bad result.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Why would you tell her, if you haven't tried it before? Why would you risk ruiing your relationship over something you don't even know if you like? I would suggest trying them on (without her knowing) and seeing what you think first. Then if you are sure its something you want to get into, let her know about your curiosity and do it together. Maybe get her her own pair of boxers...Good Luck