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My Life Is Unlucky! What About You?

Give this answer with incidents and names.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Destiny, fate or luck are events compiled by ones circumstances, ones surroundings with respect to the choices it makes. So finally, we are the ones who make our destiny. These compilations have different probably results. The instance when you make your choice, your ability to foresee the results, and your ability to plan out the things that add a bonus point towards the success.

Just for an example, you are betting on the roullete. You choose a number, the outcome depends on the physical circumstances with the roullette, but you wer the one who chose the number, you were the one who laid the bet, and finally you were the one who decided the amount you could bet on. At any event of a roll ,the roullette is supposed to declare one slot af all the slots it has. The probability of you loosing is more than the probability of you winning. But the problem is that you just dream about, "Only if I could win, I could be rich." But you forget to calculate the probability of losing the bet. And later, you put the blame on destiny, or fate, or luck. That's what we laways do. Shrug our shoulders, ignore our own short-sightedness and blame it all on destiny.

Second example is a bit different. Someone's going for an interview, and he is sure that he's gonna be selected. A car comes in ad dashes him. He fails to attend the interview. He fails to get the job. He blames it on desitny. But again, here at any instance of time in our life, there are thousands of possible events that we can experience. It's just that we overlook those events and plan without taking them into consideration. That guy could have planned for more possible interviews for him that would have been conducted at different spans. But maybe since he was sure to get this one Job, he didn't care to think and hunt for other possible vaccancies.

Practically, any possible outcome of an event that can have more than one results is what we call destiny, or fate or luck. But to choose the events is in our hands.

All the best...
