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Can you help me on peoms please?

can someone write me a poem about a girl who's in love with a boy?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Alright, I usually don't do this but I thought what the heck; here's one (this is "VERY" old; but you, might, like it. It's more a story style).....

I tripped and fell in love

A girl
A boy
Two hearts
Into one

A boy
Who tripped,
and dipped
and fell

The girl
She fell,
as, well

They kissed
They cuddled
They tumbled
and they fell

A first
Stare face,
To face

A girl
A boy
Two hearts
In one

A boy
Who knew
His words,
quite true

A girl
Who saw
her knight
and steed

They smiled
So real,
This was
The deal

Their last
Few words,
Hearts free
As birds

They??ve always,
And kissed,
And hugged.