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What do you think of my POEM?

"What Colors Mean to Me"

The color of my bountiful tears.
They stream down my face,
like a never-ending waterfall.
With that clear substance,
my eyes are filled constantly.

The color I'll never see.
The only color completely out of my reach.
Much to pure for me to witness.
Maybe when my death comes,
I might catch a glimpse.

The color of the sun.
The other color I might never witness,
for you contain me in this house,
all day,
and all night.

The color of my shirt,
my once extraordinary shirt.
Holes and rips is now all it is,
for you've ruined it.
Your held-tight fists have punctured it over and over.

The color of thick blood.
I bleed excessively,
like a river pouring out pain.
My eyes are bloodshot,
like a cherry red.

The dark color of bruises,
my bruises.
They spread all over my body,
like some deadly disease.
They're unavoidable.

The color of my tangled hair.
It's torn and haggard.
It hangs over my eyes.
It??s in such bad condition,
for there??s only so much yanking it can take.

That dreadful color,
it fills the empty space,
and the dark abyss.
The one I??m falling into.
The one I can??t seem to avoid.

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2 months ago
ok... sorry its sorta long, but what do you think of it? I am 14 years old. Could you plz rate it on a scale from 1 to 10?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

that was reeally nice u need to edit to the publisher to put it in the poem book, i will give u a 10