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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Super obscure question. Does anyone know the poem containing the line "It's


Super obscure question. Does anyone know the poem containing the line "It's boring that you're frightened"?

I can't find it anywhere! Someone read it from a book of poems so it's definatly published. They were at the mike and I was too far to hear. I just figured I'd look it up later and did but had no luck. It's such a great poem. Can someone please help me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Games we play. R.D. Laing.
It is boring that you are frightened
you are boring me by being interested in me.

In trying to be interesting,
you are very boring.

You are frightened of being boring, you
try to be interesting by not being interested,
but are interested only in not being boring.

You are not interested in me.
You are only interested that I be interested in you.

You pretend to be bored
because I am not interested
that you are frightened
that i am not frightened
that you are not interested in me.