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Second poem?


The day you broke up with her I was happy as can be
We finally started having those deep conversations, the ones where you??d actually look at me. But of course, it was too good to be true, when that new girl walked in, I new we were through. I saw you, you couldn??t take your eyes off her, But for her to actually be into you? Yeah, sure.
A girl way out of your league, why couldn??t you just let her be.
My heart crushes when I look at you, and you??re not looking at me.
So what, I may not be pretty and cute like her, yes she is quite a sight, but I??ve got personality, that??s what matters, right?
No, none of that matters any more. What has life come to?; Such a bore.
I make you laugh, you can be yourself around me, around her you??re just Mr. Friendly.
Once you really see her, and ditched me, I think you??ll finally realize that we were meant to be. But what ever, I guess that is it. I hope you have fun puppying after her, you piece of sh*t.

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2 months ago
Second poem-about this new girl that came too school ,, he like fell in love with her-it sucked.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I liked the poem. Some guys are like that, they don't realize what they have until it's gone.