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Any good at all?

This is a poem I just finished writin. I know it doesnt follow the exact beat all the way through..but hey its my poem i can do it how i like,right?please tell me if its any good, or if it needs to go in the waste can.thanx guys


Sweeter than sugar
More honest than I
You are my guardian
My little firefly

You heat my soul
with a very special light
guide me, my firefly
teach me whats right

You are the angel
that rests upon my sholder
please, show me the way
to stay young, not grow older

I want to live forever
my little firefly
dont leave me,not now
i dont want your light to die

But i already know
there always comes a time
when fireflies stop burning
and leaves us all behind

we must grow up
and live this life to be
but i wont forget you firefly
youll always be with me

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

thats sweet, don't trash it