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Favorite work of art from different time periods.?

I'm trying to work out an idea for a paper I'm writting, i know that i want it to compare two works of art from two different time periods but I have so many to choose from.
I'm really into scupture but also into paintings, I would love if some could share their favorite artists or works and how they compare with older or newer works
I rather like rene magritte and was thinking of making a comparision between him and andy warhol... still thinking about it though, other suggestions would be appreciated

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Perhaps it does not qualify under the specific category of art you are describing, but you musn't count out literature. Probably the most influential piece in all of world literature was the fantastic adventure story, "Don Quixote." The spaniard Cervantes crafted a tale in the 1600's which is still considered to be the "Greatest Novel of All Time" (considered by the Nobel Institute). In comparison, you could link it to any modern adventure or fantasy, or perhaps even with film.