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Which is more important when considering the beauty of art, function or style?

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2 months ago
I'm not quite sure if this is a subjective question or an objective one. I was hoping for soemthing like an argument...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You shouldn't need a 'source' to answer this basic question. First ask yourself what makes art art. That should give you the answer to your question.

If it is an argument you need, then *you* must first decide which side you are going to take: style or function. After all, different people are going to have different takes, so again sources seem beside the point.

I'd definitely say style, regardless of what others or other 'sources' might say, since art is what moves us beyond the pedestrian, the application, the 'need,' and into the very beyond itself. Function comes from things made to help us DO things; art, on the other hand, is a form of expression *beyond* utility. What sets it apart is, in fact, artifice itself.