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Should their contribution be re-evaluated?

Emeritus Professor John Carey on TV tells us that creative people including Lawrence, Pound, Woolf, G B Shaw, people we are told have contributed much to our culture, actually hated the masses and deliberately made their works obscure.

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Do you know, this is the very reason that most people don't like 'classical music'. By 'classical music', I don't mean those pieces you usually get in "Popular Classics" CDs, but more difficult works, by composers such as Boulez, Schoenberg and their contemporaries.
If the thing doesn't have a decent 'tune' and requires more than a modicum of concentration, the great British public can't handle it.
If the literary figures you mention made their work deliberately obscure, then good luck to them.
The majority of the population are thick as pig sh*t and any true culture goes completely over their heads.