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Which plot should I use?

In my story there is a girl who goe on a bunch of dates.

should she end up with:

The guy who gave the hemlich manever on the people next to them.

Guy who gave her baking supplies instead of flowers

Guy who got a manicure with her

Guy who got his sleeve on fire.

Or something else????

I have total writers block...

Additional Details

2 months ago
its not a plot, just....
The kind of guy she ends up with, 'ya know?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think the guy who gave her baking supplies instead of flowers sounds pretty interesting, but if the main plot of the story is centered on the girl who is dating different people, the guy who ends up with her seems like a pivotal moment, right? Just choose whoever seems right for her. Good luck with your writer's block!