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I have to give a speech.. any ideas?

In English I have to make a speech on any famous person of my choice(alive or dead). And i have to give it as if I were that person. so.. the problem is that i'm not sure who to do. I want someone that wont be too boring to talk about(I need to kill 3 min) but I do want someone that is taken seriously.(I'm not much of a joking around kind of person.)

so, anybody have any ideas on who to do it on?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Sure, you could pretend to be a famous villain. John Brown, who some would say was a hero, but who led a rebellion against the U. S. government and who was hanged for his trouble. You could pretend to be giving a speech from the scaffold, your famous last words. You could act crazy as many thought he was crazy. The very last word of your speech could be something like Gaahgh, as you are dropped through the trap door and strangled.
Perhaps you could pretend to be a famous humorist like Mark Twain. Listen to Hal Holbrook's record Mark Twain Tonight to get some ideas.
Good luck.