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Why would practicing the Catholic religion be hard for a Catholic?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

For the same reason practicing religion of any denomination has become difficult.

Modern life makes people of faith question their belief system more than ever.

Every day we see horrible crimes reported on tv and in newspapers. We hear stories of men and women of religion acting inappropriately. And, we wonder how a loving God could allow this.

We are taught from a young age that what the Church teaches must be believed and lived out in order to be saved and, beyond salvation, in order to be sanctified.

This system of doctrine, cultus, and practice is called Catholic (universal) because it is intended for all mankind, for all time, contains all that is necessary, and is suitable in every circumstance of human life.

In today's hip New Age world, some Catholics find it difficult to keep up with the rituals of the church, most especially the receiving of the Eucharist.

In my town we have three year-round Catholic Churches and one to accomodate the summer people. The masses are usually packed, and there are many people who attend seven days a week.

The most devout among us do not condemn those who find it hard. We pray for them because we know the sacrifices we make in our daily lives to set time aside for our religion.

I'll leave you with the following thought:

Miserere (Psalm 50)

Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness
In your compassion blot out my offence
O wash me more and more from my sin
And from my sin, cleanse me

For my offences, truly I know them
My sin is always before me
Against you, you alone have I sinned
What is evil in your sight, I have done

That you may be justified in your sentence
Vindicated when you condemn
Indeed, in guilt was I born
In sin, my mother conceived me
Behold, you are pleased with sincerity of heart
and in my inmost being you teach me wisdom