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Getting to know your muse?

I love writing, and I'm inspired by a lot of things. One of them in praticular just happens to be one of my teachers. I usually say and do things in class that are very out of character for me just to try and get some sort of reaction from him. Like any muse you want more from it, it's sort of like i've hitten this wall, i wanna know more about him on a proffesional level, how do I do that?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Have you tried talking to him?

I am hugely inspired by one of my professors, and find that going to her office hours and speaking with her about my work or whatever is going on in my life leaves me incredibly invigorated and ready to work. I'd say, go and talk to him one day. Come prepared with a topic, be it your work in his class or some outside event, and just chat. It can't hurt! And most teachers like getting visits.