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I need help on this essay... What do I do???

The question I am trying to answer is:

"Does our cultural background determine, or to any extent, our valuation of a piece of art? Whar effect does our social status have?

I have no idea where to start or how and what to say or argue... Can anyone help me???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

basically i would start by sayin that our social class and background affects the way we view something. Our experience make us the way we are and make us see thing differently. Someone raised in a wealthy family might look at a picture of a tall building and relate it to an office or building of power (the donald trumps) yet somebody of lower class might look at that same picture and think hate, because it is the symbol of something they never had like money and power. Someone of lower class might resent such a should provide an example (that would be your logos and it will make your paper strong)