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A poem perhaps by B Russell?

I'm looking over the net for a text or a poem the title may be "we are to die"
Don't advise me to use google or yahoo because to find it, beacuse it was done and geting nothing.
Don't tell me, if it isn't there then it don't exist, because it's a lie
Excuse me but many people think that yahoo answer may be the first option to find something, and it is not
I don't remember the autor, may be Bertrand Russell because it mentions the britanic position about Cuba govern.
I remenber a few lines, not exactly but...
"whe are to die, not in the course of the future but in a few weeks"
"the whole inhabitants of britains dislike the govern that cubans prefer"
Can someone tell me how can i fins teh whole text?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

it would probably be best if you checked with the library.