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Pleazsssssssssssssssseeee... answerrrrrrrr?

please comment on this poem i wrote

A mortal ,
shunned by all ,
was struck upon by the unworded wrath ,
of his worshipped Goddess.

Witnessing her serene grace,
turn into the fires of hell,
left him sorrowful to his very soul.

Blessed and chosen he felt later although ,
for Instead of being ignored as dust ,
was enshrined ,
not in her hallowed heart ,
but at least momentarily in her enraged thoughts .

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:


When I read the first verse, I thought I wouldn't like the poem. But as I read it through, then read the whole thing a second time, I realize it's very beautiful. I find it very sad, but the ending turns the sadness into the contentment you mention in your title without spelling it out. It makes the reader think. I believe you have been very successful with this creation, and I hope you continue to write. I believe you have genuine talent.