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What do you think of this poem?

And try to interpret it, please.

The Power of One

With the strength of a million
I shall fight
Every heart, every soul
I??ll ignite.

With the vigor of a thousand
I shall win
I??ll escape the lies
I??ve buried within.

With the force of a hundred
I shall rule
My heart so kind
Yet, my mind so cruel.

With the might of ten
I shall prevail
I??ll overcome my fears
I??ll never fail.

With the power of one
I shall survive
In this corrupted world
I??ll remain alive.

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2 months ago
It's inspirational and it's supposed to help you feel strong and confident... like you mean something, can amke a difference, and are not worthless.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Nice poem. I like the flow from a million to one. It shows you are really disgusted with the injustices around and you are determined to fight it as an individual with the might, force, vigor and strength of a million people. The enemy will get the ultimate challenge yet it will be just your power as one. . . . you are awesome!
Perhaps the better adjective form is "corrupt."