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For some reason, when I sing I can't sing a C#, I can only do so when I sing with a British accent...?

I can only sing a C# with a British accent, why is that?

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2 months ago
thing is, I don't wanna be a British singer, I'm happy the way I sing with my band!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well, that's an interesting you warm up before you sing? Lots of times it's your mind playing a trick on you because you're waiting for that note you think you can't hit. Try warming up, but without looking at your keyboard...or, if you can spare a friend to play for you, have them play and you look the other way while singing. Lots of times I don't even know I'm hitting the note I "can't hit" when I don't look at the keyboard and concentrate on singing. Also, when you warm up, try to warm up using different vowels such as: e oo ow au.
Here's a tip: When warming up, start in the middle of the keyboard (or more important the middle of your singing voice), then go lower so that your voice is "waking up" to how you intend to use it, and then go high. Hope this helps! Good Luck!