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Party Ideas?? HELP NEEDED!?

i'm 13 years old and i am going to have a party in 2 weeks i need help please 2 weeks is COMMING SOON wat should i do any ideas??????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well, this might not work with people your age, unless your mom could warn theirs, but when I was little I was always reading about "Come as you are" parties. This is where you plan a party, refreshments, etc. and at the last minute you call your friends and tell them to come to the party just as they are. It is really fun. I did it once, but I was grown.

Another fun idea is a theme party; like come dressed like the 50s, or characters from a book, or something; or you can have a special game, like a scavenger hunt. For this you have a list of maybe 5 items, like a can of tuna cat food, or a plum or a black sock, whatever you want, and your guests divide into teams and the team who gets the most items from your neighbors wins. (For your age group you should limit the geographic area; like stay within a block in any direction, or something.) Another good game is scavenger hunt. You make up clues and give everyone the first one, like "something pink near water" and the next clue could be under a pink sponge in the bathroom, which leads to another, your mom could help you, you can also put clues in your yard, the last clue leads to a prize. There are also books about party themes and games. If there is a party store in your town you could check there.