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How to have a writing career while working full time and having a family?

I work 4 days a week, about 9-10 hours and have three days off in a row. I have a young child, planning a second soon, and love to write but have had a hard time turning it into a career. I'd like to eventually make it a full time career, but am not ready to take that leap. First of all, I make more money than my husband right now (he's in school) and we need my job, and second, I don't know yet if I would be successful, so it's a lot to bank on. I do want to write professionally, by the way, not just as a hobby. So, how can I build up my writing career while working and still having time for family, etc.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

What I would do is wait until your husband is out of school, until then start writing your book or what ever it is your writing, and do it little by little so you have something to look forward to.

Another way is to budget your money and cut your hours at work so you have more time to work on it.