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Women and Ecocentricity..?

Could someone please tell me more about it??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Just need to comment on something that was said. When women say "No", they really mean No. It's only occasionally
(consider the context of her response), that if she states "No", she could mean "No, not right now". Otherwise, NO means NO.

"Maybe" means she will think about it but really she's saying "No, for now". Not really, but she will give it some thought.

An affirmative "Yes" means Yes. A hesitant or quietly spoken "Yes" means she's uncertain.

Basically a woman is a human being such as yourself. She was just born into a human form that has different body parts and slightly different wiring in her brain which could make her a little more prone to emotionalism. She's beautiful and underestimated. She can be the heartbeat of homes and communities. To not treat her right is to shoot yourself in your own foot. What a wonderous world it would be if all women were safe and respected. Happy Women = Happy World.