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How do i get a book publeshed?

i have ritten a briliant childrans book all abowt a boy who is studeing to becum a wizard. he has an owl and its lots of fun. . so far i hav rote 100 pages hope to comleat the other 200 pages by the end of nect week But how do i get it pulbeleshed??? do i nead an agent??? do i get payed imedeately or do i need to weight?? (i nead the monny!!!) HELP ME PLEESE!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Boy, oh boy. I love your idea, but you'll have a hard time getting published until you know how to spell, use capital letters and improve your basic grammar. Spell-checks are only good for typing errors; they can't help your writing to be taken seriously, Ms Rowling.