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Thank you cards for teachers?

I'm writing a thank you card for my teacher...

Anyone have any ideas of what I could write?

I sort of have an idea of what to say but I can't really put my finger on it...

I want it to be very kind and pleasing.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

WHY DO YOU WANT TO WRITE A NOTE? Do you have an ulterior motive? Are you trying to 'brown nose' for a better grade? Has this teacher been kind to you? Think @ what this teacher stood for? Someone you admired? Think @ events from the past that involved this person! Tell them why you respected them..if they've been an emotional support for you, have given you a chance to make up some missed work....just be honest about how you've felt about this person's witness to you and other students. Having been a teacher over a period of many years I can tell you that they will be very glad to hear your sentiments. Just telling them that you really enjoyed having them as a teacher is enough to make them feel you were touched by them. More often than not, many teachers never know whether they have touched a student's life for the better. Every year I taught there was usually one or 2 students who would write me notes @ the end of the year telling me they appreciated the way I had dealt with them during the year. If you are just 'blowing smoke' they will probably detect it! Keep it honest & sincere! If you've been a 'problem student' all year, the note might not have the effect you're looking for. Make it personal and sincere & you'll proably come up with some good points to include in your note!