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Employment for the creative and the unskilled?

What kind of artistic, creative jobs are there for an artistically challenged person?
Head and heart multi-talented, hands a disaster. I couyld not sketch a ball. I'm fantastic with colors, gramatically correct, yet I am not a writer nor do I have a desire to be an interior designer. I do not want to design web pages. Anything left...? I took the tests, no interesting suggestions, have any?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I'm a little bit like you. I've been told I'm creative and artistic, yet no one is interested in stick people art. Ever think about checkin' into Macy's, Nordstrom's, Nieman's??? You could work in the wall displays. Working with the elderly (yes in a nursing'll never feel more rewarded, appreciated and wow, what an amazing source of cultural history) as an activities director. Look into working with adults or children with disabilities doing the same. Most community colleges offer allied health programs for the activity director. It's a quick, two or four week program which will provide you with knowledge to go along with your skills. You sound fairly articulate and intelligent, in addition to having talent and desire. Go for it!