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Why are some nursery rhymes "violent" and horrendous?

Jack fell down and broke his crown while Jill tumbled after...

Rock-a-bye-baby fell down with his cradle when the bough of a tree broke...

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall from the wall and had to be pieced back together by a bunch of soldiers...

London Bridge fell crashing down, my lady...

Little bears jumping on the bed fell off and broke their heads...

Funny how we all hate violence, and then introduce them early to our kids at their early development stage...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Many nursery rhymes were meant to poke fun at the nobility.

Humpty Dumpty was a canon.
Mary Quite Contrary was Mary I who murdered those that were not Catholic.
Georgie Porgie was about George III's madness.