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How cooking evolved to art over the years?

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A Brief History of the Culinary Arts
The history of the culinary arts and institutional instruction in cooking is a very new enterprise. Throughout the ages, cooking has been taught at the apron strings for untold generations. The brewing of wine, ale and spirits, the distilling of medicines, baking of bread, butchering of livestock and the harvest of produce and cereal crops were essentially all overseen by the head mistress of the household.

In these times, all manner of handling and processing consumables was taught through immersion. The mother toted the daughter along as she worked, at times enlisting her aid in stirring, ladling and serving. Thus, teaching was done through a form of osmosis.

Formal Education

In the US, there came to be a form of tutelage that resembled apprenticeship. One cook taught another to cook, mostly in order to lighten his own considerable burden. The Boston Cooking School was one of the first institutions in America to place the instruction of the culinary arts in a classroom.

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