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I had 3 dreams relating to eachother?

Ok, so I actually love to dream because you know, it's crazy and it's you probably having things you never had before. But anyway, three nights ago I had this dream about dancing with this guy and like I fell in love with him, I don't really know who it was, but it was so weird. Then two nights ago I had another dream with a different guy and we were like at a barn but on the rooftop and he kissed me and like it was my first kiss and for some reason I was telling myself that it felt good and this guy from the interet who blogs on youtube was there, and I dont even know him! And last night I had another dream at the beach with my two friends and I had this excercise instructor or something and something like that I was walking on the beach with him and I fell in love with him, but apparently my guy best friend was there, but I dont know who he is in real life, but in my dream he's my guy best friend, well then he gets jealous or something. And im impressing my classmate who was there.

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2 months ago
I dont know why she was there, but she was there with her two cousins and I dont even know them. And i'm falling in love with people I dont even know! Why am I thinking like this? Does it have to do with hormones or something, what do they mean? It's like having football season, although mine is love season. I mean, ovcorse I want to fall in love soon, but why am I dreaming these? And it's not like I dont want to dream it, their really good as a matter of fact, it's like a novel. hehe But I just want to know what they mean.

2 months ago
And I dont know, does it have to do with something I'm doing. Am I watching too many romance films? novels? or music?

I've been listening to the song "Stolen" by Dashboard Confessional alot of times yesterday, so maybe that explains something about the beach in the summer. I dont know.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Just relax... yes waiting is difficult sometimes.. we nurse those thoughts .. constantly .. and such thing .. such dreams.. because you might have been thinking something like this .. some thing romantic when you were about to sleep and as you sleep nursing all in mind.. in sleep it continuous in shape of dreams.. this is my own experience..