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More information on a jewelry co. AJC?

I recently saw an unique piece of jewelry. it was what looked to be an old watch case and under the glass was a vintage looking miniature teddy bear w/ a bow. on the back of the case was inscribed AJC CO. 1/20 12k. has any one ever heard of anything like this, or the company AJC, who made the case.

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~With such a brief description, I can't be sure but it sounds like you might have one of the watches produced for Teddy Roosevelt. The AJC CO. was the companies of Roughriders headed by Henry Armbruester, William Jordan and Frederick Coltraine who repectively held the right and left flanks and rear positions at San Juan Hill while T R led the charge up the center. The glory heaped upon Teddy as a result of this (in reality) insignificant and meaningless battle led his compatriots to devise an erstwhile medal for him to commenorate the non-event. The teddy bear was a mocking tribute to the stuffed animal that had been introduce in Teddy's name and was thought to be a fitting approbation. A toy on a toy medal for a toy soldier. Teddy tried to gather up all the mocking 'medals' and successfully confiscated all but 17 of the watches. The remaining 17 are all but priceless in the hands of the right collectors. If yours is etched on the obverse of the face with the initials AJC or any of them, get it insured and intalled in a vault immediately.