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Wold you move to San Francesco?

My g/f wants to keep in Las Vegas.It's fine,but Society keeps turning around entrtainment and quick fun,even friendships seem short time to come, because everyone is "just passing by".Was in San Francesco a while ago,and everyone seemed to have more time for all,and Society did have much wider interests than just empty their wallets and drinks.They even asked us to come back and move over!
Is this place for Real?Any input,experience.

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2 months ago
Your St.Francis was an italian with that name,in the exact spelling he did.Your city spelling takes the liberality -that you lack-to misspronounce it.And you live in such cultural and tolerant city?
Get the f*** out of there!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

California is very expensive to live in. Property costs are very high, but salaries are also much higher there than other regions.

I happen to love the central coast of Cali. (I have some family there, but not in San Fran, but a bit south.) That area does seem to have a more relaxed lifestyle and I do enjoy it very much when I visit. There are a variety of things to do there and the outdoor life is year round because of the mild weather. I'd go in a heartbeat if everything was in place...job, housing, and salary.