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Poems do u write? Please write one TY?

I wish I may
I wish I might
I wish I had my You Tube 2nite

If I hada my computer
stuck yet i'd be
but really I just see
With eyes wide open
stuck to be set free

If my rhym doesn't fit
to me it shall be
the longest time this
connection will allow me

I went to the sea
be it just a lake
so to breathe
I must put the box away

Alas, the magic of a computer whiz'
and via ebay it's all on it's way
Connectivity all over again!
Que Sera, Sera, whatever shall be, shallbe'
The future is not ours to see Que Sera Sera.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

id rather read a poem that is more emotional.and has a deeper meaning than missing your offense.just try writing with more emotion