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Why do they call those nipple things 'pasties' and why are Cornish ones so special?

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The nipple things are pronounced with a short A, such as in say. They are pasted to the body with 'glue' of some sort. As I recall from a short time in the theater they use Gum Arabic or you can get nipple tape for the same purpose.

Cornish pasties or pasty, pronounced with a long A as on 'at' is a hot sandwhich that cornish miners took to the mines for lunch. It is a pastry crust with a finely chopped filing with some kind of meat, chicken, beef, etc... and various veggies including ruttabaga, potatoes,onions. Most cornish wives keep their Pastie recipe secret and passed Mother to daughter. You can get the best pasty's in the UP of Michgan where there is a large Cornish/Welsh population and the best are found in small family restaurants in small towns.
Oh, they know you are not a Yupper if you eat it with gravy. Traditionally you leave the thick edge crust for the knockers (gremlins or fairies in the mines).