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Art by Inmates. Where is the best place to market this?

I have a small charitable foundation the purpose of which is to help in the future rehab of inmates. We want inmates to be able to support themselves and become useful and productive members of society. One way is to sell their are. Some are fantastically talented artists. But there doesn't seem to be a viable outlet for their art.

Before you answer with some meaningless tripe about how they aren't worth helping, please remember that almost 98% of inmates will some day re enter society. Sadly, our political climate does not foster this idea, and instead wants to keep inmates circling through a revolving door, which only serves as a means to re-elect politicians by having them say, "See. I told you so. Elect me" ....

Would you rather see an inmate learn to be self supporting and contribute to the communities tax base, or have to support them because no one taught them how to live in society. Thank you for any insightful answer you can give me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Our city has a "Starving Artist" fair every year where people go and can by a bunch of art for a reasonable price. That would be a good place to display this type of thing. You can have frames there for sale too. I think people would be interested to see what they can do through art. Good luck.