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Becoming phychic?

i want to know how to become phychic and i dont want anyone sending links to me to folow

i want a personal expiereience and advice

i dont care how long your answer is lol

thnx in advance =]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I believe that just as we all have and/or share other physical, mental, emotional, traits in common with other humans, we are also ALL "psychic" (or have those latent talents) to some degree.

And like any other 'talent' unless one is given a 'special degree' of it, then it has to be focussed and/or worked on to make whatever 'gift' one has been given to work at it's fullest or highest level.

I would suggest that you first begin with defining what others think, feel and believe being a psychic is...AND isn't; and then do your best to come up with your OWN description.

From there, then it will become clearer to you as to the path that you must take in order to attain your goal, as you may discover that it is just like wanting to play the piano, but not being all that good at it even when you have learned to read music and play. There are some things that we are better at than others; however, I would NOT be limited by your limitations--but just to be aware of them.
