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The innocence of youth?

This happened at school today. Please share some thoughts and stories of your own with me.

Today at luch I bought two m&m cookies. I was going to save them until after school, so I put them in the cubbies to pick up after recess. After recess they were gone. Someone stole them. I am in eighth grade for crying out loud! What middle schooler would steal? Where is the innocence of youth?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Unfortunately, the lack of honesty, integrity, good character and kindness are a reflection of our society and social environment.
It may develop at a very young age; however, it will often blossom throughout one's life.
I know a nurse that had her money stolen out of her purse while it was secured in the NURSES ONLY ROOM (it was stolen by another nurse). At universities, students are often victims of crime and it is not limited to theft.
Thieves and criminals eventually get caught, punished, and/or attitude adjustments.

There are currently 2 million people behind bars in the United States; ten years ago there were about 1 million people behind bars. It doubled in about ten years?!

The innocence of youth