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Classical composition from Mr. Holland's Opus?

What is the name and composer of the composition featured in "Mr. Holland's Opus" when Glen's wife and child walk in to his classroom and the child mimics him conducting, only he closes his eyes and doesn't stop when the music ends because he is deaf? I think that's the part in the movie, but it may not be.

For those musically inclined, here are the notes from the first phrase (possibly not in the correct key). Capital letters indicate a note higher than (or the same pitch as) the preceding note; lowercase letters are lower than the preceding note. This is all within one octave:

C F G A A g B-FLAT a d c, A f G d c E F.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It's kinda hard when you're not sure what scene it was, best i can do is give a link to the soundtracks and you will have to listen to them all...