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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > I have one thing, it has no head & no tail, no name & no character, no


I have one thing, it has no head & no tail, no name & no character, no back & front, what is it ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You don't have anything. You don't have one thing. If what you claim to have has no name then it has no symbolic representation. A rock, for example, is named a rock, it is represented, symbolically, by the letters or characters used to represent the concept of "rock" in any language (phonemes, and hand gestures are still "names" in their respective forms of communication).

As for "character," well, besides the obvious in terms of symbolic characters as above... By claiming "no character" you claim no means by which to describe this object. It has no shape, no substance, no meaning, no significance. It does not feel, taste, smell, sound, or look like anything. It has no definition. It can be neither abstract nor concrete. It can't even be an idea of an idea.

It can't even be nothing because nothing has the characteristic of emptiness.

Even assuming you mean "personality" by "character" and "proper noun" by "name" one could easily satisfy the question with "the universe," "a soul," "infinity," "a sphere," or "a cube," or so very much more. Even with "character" describing the nature of a thing any of the above could easily work except for the cube or sphere based simply on one's definition. What, after all, is the nature of the soul or the character of the universe? What are their names?

I'm sorry, I hate these sorts of attempts at riddles. Either there are way too many ways to eliminate even the intended answer or there are just way too many other responses that satisfy the question.