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Write three lines of dialog by two characters.?

Picture an original piece of cinema all in your own imagination and give me three powerful lines of dialog exchanged by two characters. It is your choice if you want to set up the scene with other details.

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1 month ago
Great answers already within three minutes. I can tell this is going to be fun. Remember now, only three lines total between two characters. That means one gets to speak twice and one gets to speak once.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Couple squabbling and exchanging sarcastic quips:

He: Sure, we saw the man you're looking for! He stopped here two days ago and asked which way to Taney-town.

She: He asked the way to Lawn-ford! You're confusing your stories again!

He: It was Taney-town! Now, I says to him, I says, "The fastest way to Taney-town is through the Haunted Wood there, but that's a might bit dangerous."

She: You daft twit! The road through the Haunted Forest goes to Lawn-ford, not Taney-town! And if you young people are going that way, you should stay the night with us and share our kettle of stew! It's too dangerous to go that way at night!

He: If you think the Haunted Wood is dangerous, you haven't tried that "stew" yet! Har har har!