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How do I get myself to read more when I get home from work?

I want to read more, but I can't seem to do it. I'm in my 30s, and when i get home from work, I'm dead tired. I don't watch TV much; I just web surf a lot. What habits can I form to get myself to read more? (novels, technical journals, etc.)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

21 days makes a habit - what I'd do is set aside, say 30 minutes or 2-3 chapters and don't let yourself check email or surf the net for anything til you get finished. Set a timer - soon you won't realize the time has passed and you will lose yourself in whatever it is. I highly recommend you start with something of interest to you.

Remember to reward yourself for good behaviour and punish yourself for bad - add 1 or 2 minutes to your 30 if you fail at the 30 minutes - Keep it interesting