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I made a poem?

I know most of you will think it is crap and I promise you it isn't my best work, it's rough, but it was a way for me to get stuff off my chest and I wanted to see what you all thought of it.

You are what I think of when I hear "love."
You make my heart skip a beat when you walk in the room.
I call you just to hear you breathe
and I say stupid things just to make you laugh.

You and I have come so far,
and I can't see an end to us.
I've watched your heart open up to me...
and you've watched me learn to love again.

I dream of you at night,
they are the sweetest dreams I could have,
but, it isn't as great as being with you.
being close to you is all I want.

I want to know;
this feeling I get when you are around,
is it a love that will last forever?
Could you possibly be the one?

Additional Details

1 month ago
2nd time I've fallen in love

and Teacher? huh?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Beuatiful it was so sweet i could just see all of the description . Amazing just perfect . The best poem ever . I could really visulize the whole scene.